Icarus: Taylor Neeran Chronicles #4
A.D. 3487
Taylor Neeran, Star-Killer.
That’s what she was being called throughout the Xathen dominion. Turn the minor star of the Franath binary system into a black hole, and they gave her that title. She was famous, infamous, whatever. It’s not like it was a handful of stars, one star wasn’t that many, the galaxy has billions of them.
But sometimes it was the smallest of actions that got the most attention. One star to save a hundred unsuspecting worlds and a trillion lives, in some ways it was more than a fair trade.
It wasn’t her fault the minor sun had failed to complete its transformation into a black hole. Instead, it had become a neutron star, a pulsar, spraying death across the Franath system.
Franath was now spoken in whispers or not at all, as if the word itself was cursed.
But she was going to fix it.
In order to save eight billion souls, Taylor Neeran, Star-Killer and Spirit-Mother of Aeden was going to tame a star.
Or die trying.
Of course, not actually die, that would help nobody. But she was going to try really, really hard…
The full ebook